Start game "Find Your Style " - Czech Prague Architects - Free Architects
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Find your style

Start game "Find Your Style"

Your favourite style of interior

Complete this short test, and you will find out whether you are a rebel, conservative, innovator, snob, handyman or visionary in the field of interior design. You will discover the links between what you like and who you are. You will be able to name it. You will recognise yourself. Play!

At present we deal with six basic styles here: Scandinavian, Provencal, Italian, Industrial, Wabi-Sabi and Minimalist, in the form of a quiz, in which you simply pick pictures you like. The application then assesses and shows the results according to weighted criteria. It’ s fun above all else, but in time we will of course develop our game to cover other functions and styles.

Why do we need you to fill in your e-mail at the end of the quizz? Yes, it’ s unpleasant, and we always have a strange feeling in such situations. We can reassure you. We take the game Find Your Style seriously, and we want to develop it further, improve it, and offer you, as well as the results, wider statistics, contact details of suppliers of products in your style, and even discounts with these partners.  We have a great deal of resources in this area. You may know us on  facebook and know that we are not a spam agency, nor do we aim to annoy people. We want to please, educate, communicate and help in the field of architecture, interior design and style. To achieve this, we welcome your feedback. Was the result relevant? Were you missing anything there? Were there too few questions? Your e-mail address will be used only for communication between yourself and us. Nobody else helped us to develop the quiz, and so nobody else will have access to your e-mail.

Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact us on Facebook, telephone +420 603 298 488, or e-mail:


Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact us on Facebook, telephone +420 733 546 097, or e-mail: office(at)architects(dot)cz.
